www.viniciocoletti.it > Il Cubo > Projects > TOTGRID

Vinicio Coletti site


Version 1.1 distributed on March 23, 2020

This is a Win64 command line application, to be used by radio amateurs using logs programs named BBLogger or Fastlog 3.3 and at the same time using Log of the World (LoTW).
It is normally quite easy to see our DXCC situation on the ARRL site and the same on our log, but sometimes we may need to merge both reports in one and see for a certain DXCC entity in what bands/modes we have worked it and where we have paper QSL confirmations, LoTW confirmations, or both.
This program make exactly this processing.


To install the program, simply create a new folder dedicated to it and unzip the totgridxx.zip file into it. You will find 4 files:

  • totgrid.exe : the program
  • entity.dat : a table of DXCC entities
  • manual_en.txt : the manual in English language
  • manual_it.txt : the manual in Italian language

To start using the program, you must add some other files, derived from you log.
First of all log into LoTw, at lotw.arrl.org and download a report of all your received "LoTW QSL".
Simply select "Your QSOs", then on the left "Download Report".
On the form that opens, set in the date field a date before your first QSO ever (the site changed lately its default behavior). Mark also the checkbox "Include QSL details", then click on the button "Download report".
Save the file with the default name of lotwreport.adi, in the same folder of this program.

Then, if you use BBLogger, run it and export your full log as "generic adif file" (or similar description). Put the file in the same folder of the application and rename it to generic.adi.

Or, if you use Fastlog 3.3, copy 3 files to the folder of this program. The first 2 depend on the log name (probably your callsign). For example in my case the files are: IK0WRB.LOG, IK0WRB.DX and DXCC.DAT.

Using the program

Since this is a command line application, you must open a Windows terminal to use it. Select the terminal among your applications (it may appear as "Command prompt") or simply click on the Windows menu, click on "exec" and write "cmd" as the program to execute.
Once in the terminal, select the drive (for example "D:") and use "cd" to navigate to the folder where you have put the program and all the files.
Once there, if you use BBLogger simply execute
Or, if you use Fastlog 3.3, execute
totgrid /f
If you store (as I do) the 60m QSOs as if they are on the 23cm band on Fastlog 3.3, execute
totgrid /f /60

The program will ask for an entity to search for, with a prompt
What you write will be searched in the entity names and their standard prefixes, as substrings. For example if you write
Search: italy
you will see the grid related to the DXCC entity named "Italy".
If you write simply "ita" you will see two grids, those of Italy and Mauritania, because both names contain the string "ita".
You can also search for an exact match on the standard prefixes, simply using a dot or a slash as the first character of the search. For example if you write:
Search: .k
you will see the grid of the USA, because "K" is its standard prefix.

By the way, when you will have inserted a certain number of new QSO in your log, you may want to copy again the log file(s), overwriting the former.
And when you will have some new QSO or QSL on LoTW, you may want to download a new lotwreport.adi, overwriting the former.


  • Version 1.1 was released on March 23, 2020. It adds the Italian manual and the support for Fastlog 3.3, also with the option of using the 23cm slot to store the 60m QSOs.
  • Version 1.0 was released on March 21, 2020, based on previous PHP programs that I had written for my own use, for Fastlog 3.3 run on the DosBox of Linux.
    Thanks to IU0ICA, that sent me his BBLogger files, that I analized in order to write this program.